web 1.0 vs web 2.0

web 1.0 vs web 2.0

Monday, 17 November 2008

An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube.

An Anthropological Introduction To YouTube
Key Facts About YouTube!In 1948 - ABC started broadcsting and now has 3 major networks.ABC has been broadcasting for 60 Years
YouTube has produced more than this in the last 6 months

YouTube was formed to create "New forms of expression, New forms of community, & New forms of identity emerging"

The first ever video which was broadcasted on YouTube was from webcam
It is the new form of global connection

song which originated from Europe in 2004, was was made into a video on broadcatsed on YouTube.
The amount of viewings for the video reached an impressive 600,000,000
This shows how much easier it is becoming to connect with people

This is what WEB 2.0 is all about..."linking people, sharing, trading & collaborating"

Who watches You Tube?
25% of teenagers & 35+ consume Youtube or become a producer of what we watch
50% Of 18-24 year olds watch YouTube
What Is On Youtube?
The Most Commonly Uploaded Videos On Youtube Are HomeVideos
Charlie Bit My Finger - Viewed Over 30 Million Times
Almost 10,000 Videos Are Adressed To The YouTube Community Everyday.

Youtube - People Connecting Very Deeply . .
"Media Do Not Just Distance Us. They Connect Us In Different Ways .. That Can Sometimes Feel Distant, But Sometimes Distance Allows Us To Connect More Deeply Than Ever Before"

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