web 1.0 vs web 2.0

web 1.0 vs web 2.0

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Self Evaluation


Effort-3 This is because i feel that i do contribute in most lessons however i don't think i have worked to my maximum ability.

Punctuality-2 i have attented most of my media lessons but i may have missed one or two.

Submission and quality of homework- 3 Although i do most of the homework i hardly ever make it to the quality that i know i can produce.

Ability to work independently-2 I can work quiet well independantly however at times i can get easily distracted.

Quality of writing-2

Organisation of Media folder-3 Although i do have a media folder i tend to forget pieces of work at home sometimes which does get frustrating for the teacher.

Oral contributions in class-1 I will always put my hand up and have something to say.

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